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Dorf (2)



In 19th century, Croatian region of Slavonia is being inhabited by people from all nations of Austro-Hungary empire. A fast economic development begins with the exploitation of forest and land. Villages became an elementary demographic unit.

German colonists made the largest cultural impact through language, crafts, and - architecture. Instead of building with mud, people started to build with baked bricks which significantly raised the quality of life. Two types of houses appeared - gable (agricultural) and longitudinal (crafts). The objects are decorated with historicist and secession ornaments.

The irony of history is that today, due to war in Croatia and industry decline, the population is leaving Slavonia and going to Germany in search of a better life. With the extinction of the village the historic houses that became part of the cultural identity are the first to decay.

By photomontage of houses and local nature, I emphasize the architecture, the destructive force of nature and the rural character of the region.

"Dorf" is the German word for village.



U 19. stoljeću Slavonija se naseljava stanovništvom iz svih djelova Austro-Ugarskog carstva. Eksploatacijom šuma i zemlje regija doživljava ubrzani gospodarski razvoj.  Velika i brojna sela postaju osnovna demografska i urbanistička jedinica.

Doseljeni Nijemci vrše najveći kulturni utjecaj na selo kroz jezik, obrte i – arhitekturu. Gradnja pečenom ciglom mjenja dotadašnju gradnju od drva i blata što bitno podiže kvalitetu života.

Ironija je povijesti da danas zbog rata i uništene industrije stanovništvo napušta Slavoniju i odlazi u Njemačku u potrazi za boljim životom. U napuštenim selima povijesne kuće koje su postale dio kulturnog identiteta prve propadaju i nestaju.

Fotografije su foto kolaž povijesnih objekata i elemenata prirode čime naglašavam samu arhitekturu, destruktivnu silu prirode i ruralni karakter prostora.

Dorf je njemačka riječ za selo.

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