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Dorf (2)






Ekspolatacijom šuma i zemlje u 19. stoljeću Slavonija prolazi kroz naglu industrijalizaciju i razvoj. Naseljava se stanovnicima iz svih dijelova Austro-Ugarske, a velika i brojna sela postaju osnovna demografska i urbanistička jedinica.

Doseljeni Nijemci vrše najveći kulturni utjecaj na selo kroz jezik, obrtništvo i – arhitekturu. Gradnja pečenom ciglom (opekom) mijenja dotadašnju gradnju blatom što bitno podiže kvalitetu života lokalnog stanovništva. Iz postojećeg se razvija novi tip kuća - veći, čvršći i ljepši. Objekti se dekoriraju historicističkim i secesijskim ornamentima kojima seljaci nevješto kopiraju gradsku arhitekturu i arhitekturu svojih zavičaja, te njima obilježavaju svoj kulturni identitet i socijalni status. Iz praktičnih razloga poljoprivrednici orijentiraju kuće zabatom prema ulici, a obrtnici njenom dužinom. Takva gradnja se zadržava do sredine 20. stoljeća i do danas je ostala jedina kulturna baština mnogih sela. 

Ironijom povijesti su Nijemci naseljavali Slavoniju i podizali kvalitetu života, a danas seosko stanovništvo Slavonije odlazi upravo u Njemačku u potrazi za boljim životom. Aktualnim iseljavanjem sela odumiru, a u njima prva propada povijesna arhitektura.

Serija se sastoji od tradicijskih kuća u izvornom stanju koje je takvim očuvala činjenica da su napuštene, ali iz istog razloga i nestaju. Rad gradim apliciranjem objekata u lokalne šume, šikaru i zelenilo kako bih istaknuo napušteni ruralni karakter prostora i objekata, strukturu i ornamentaciju arhitekture i okoliša koji se međusobno prožimaju, ali i destruktivnu silu prirode na čijoj su eksploataciji i same građene. “Dorf” je njemačka riječ za selo.


With the exploitation of forests and land in the 19th century, Slavonia (Croatia) underwent rapid industrialization and development. It was colonized by various nations from all parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and large and numerous villages became the basic demographic and urban unit.

The German immigrants had the largest cultural influence on the villages through language, crafts and - architecture. Brick construction replaced the previous mud construction, which significantly improved the quality of life of the local population. A new type of house developed from the existing one - larger, stronger and more beautiful. The houses were decorated with historicist and Art Nouveau ornaments, with which the peasants copied the city architecture and the architecture of their homelands, and with which they marked their cultural identity and social status. For practical reasons, farmers oriented their houses with the gables facing the street, and craftsmen with its length. Such construction persisted until the mid-20th century and to this day remains the only cultural heritage of many villages.

Ironically, the Germans settled Slavonia and raised the quality of life, and today, due to the consequences of the war in Croatia and the destroyed industry, the rural population of Slavonia is leaving for Germany in search of a better life. With the current emigration, villages are dying out, and their historical architecture is the first to decay.

The series consists of traditional houses in their original state, preserved by the fact that they are abandoned, but for the same reason they are disappearing. I construct photographs by applying houses to local forests, overgrown bushes and greenery to highlight the abandoned rural character of the region and architecture, the structure and ornamentation of the architecture and environment that interpenetrate each other, as well as the destructive force of nature on whose exploitation they themselves were built. “Dorf” is the German word for village.​​

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